The aesthetic industry is constantly evolving and utilising exciting treatments to enhance the non-surgical aesthetic movement. Platelet rich plasma is a prime example of this. This treatment is also referred to by other fashionable names such as the “vampire facelift or Dracula therapy”. PRP has been used medically for many years in areas such as cardiac surgery, dentistry, and orthopaedics. The cosmetic industry has recognised its ability to rejuvenate skin through specifically targeting the collagen producing cells found in our skin which naturally decline with the ageing process.
What is involved and how does it work?
Platelets and plasma are found in our blood, these combined consist of approximately 56% of our total blood volume. A small blood sample is taken from your arm and spun in a centrifuge machine separating the specific components of the blood. This platelet rich plasma is then injected into specific areas such as scars, the skin or scalp. Following injection with a fine sterile needle skin rejuvenation is improved by stimulating collagen production. Combining PRP with a dermal roller and vitamins can provide even better results.
What areas can PRP be used on?
Because this treatment utilises your own blood component it is very safe compared to other non-surgical treatments. PRP can be used on any part of the body, and is excellent at treating dark circles and bags under the eyes which traditionally has been hard to treat. Other areas and conditions that can be treated include:
⦁ Acne scars and surgical scars
⦁ Stretch marks
⦁ Décolletage (neck and lower neck line sometimes referred to as a “turkey neck”)
⦁ Hands
⦁ Hair loss
⦁ Any other area of the body
How long does the treatment take, how long does the effects last?
The treatment itself takes 60-90 minutes, usually clients will need between 1-3 sessions 4-6 weeks apart and then an annual top up. Results usually become visible and skin tone shows improvement at around 4 weeks, however full collagen rejuvenation can take up to 3 months. There are no limits to the amount of treatments you can have. As with any procedure of this nature results can vary between individuals, and a full treatment plan can be discussed based on your requirement.

Are there any side effects from PRP?
As this is your own blood product it is a very safe procedure with no risk of lumps and bumps or asymmetry, and minimal risk of allergy. Possible side effects include:
⦁ Bruising, redness at the injection site lasting 24 hrs to 3 days